Thursday, December 3, 2009


I did not actually post anything about our Thanksgiving dinner, which was on Friday instead of Thursday. There were about 50 people that gathered for the big feast. The host fried 8 whole turkeys and at least another 8 turkey breasts. We met a bunch of our neighbors, which all remember my name and I don't have a clue what their names are. There were some people that work for Exxon/Mobile, Shell and Qatar Petroleum.

There is a group of bench sitters that sit on a bench across from the clubhouse in their PJs in the morning waiting for the bus to pick up the children. I'm not sure what time this occurs. In the afternoon when the children return home from school around 1:30 PM, the bench sitters are there again to watch the children play. They have a name for themselves in the afternoon, but I'm not sure what it is. I will go and join them every now and then, so that I can learn their names and get to know them.

A lot of people in the compound have praised my garden. It is coming along nicely. I'm not done yet. I think that it has encouraged others to make their yards look nicer.

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