Friday, December 18, 2009

18 December 2009 Qatar 131st National Day

Today is Qatar's version of our Independence Day. I think that it is kind of funny that it is raining today. I guess it is Allah's (Arab god) will, like everything else in this Country. I have some photos of the parade and will post them after I post this update.

In the last week, I finally accomplished buying my Hummer Truck. I am now Queen of the road! The first day when I was out driving there were several Arabs that looked at me driving and continued to stare. LOL! There was another Arab that stared at me and even made eye contact with me through his review mirror. It was if he was thinking "What is the world coming to?" "A woman driving a Hummer Truck?" He probably had to go the mosque a few extra times that day. On my first day of having my truck, I went out to the Industrial Area of Doha on a hunt to find tiles for my upcoming mosaic projects. My first dumpster dive! I found a couple of tile places and took all the broken tiles they had, as they were free. The manager told me to give him a call next time and he will have them ready for me to pick up. Some of the tiles are so thick I don't think that I can cut them without different equipment, which I may have to check in to. The interesting thing about that part of Doha is that it is the desert and looks like a desert. The temperature was even higher. The area where we live and most of the city has many green spaces and the flowers (this time of year) are beautiful. However, Industrial City (area of Doha) has no green at all. My truck was very dirty by the time I got back home.

My new cleaning couple worked out very well last weekend. They spent 3 hours here and the house was very clean, ironing done and Jim's car was washed. They come again tomorrow. Less ironing this week, but they have Jim's car to wash. Jim washed the very dirty Hummer yesterday, while I was away having a manicure and pedicure. That was nice of him!

My little kitty that showed up a couple of weeks ago, we finally decided to name him Jack. He is still very afraid of men. He only wants my attention. If Jim is anywhere around he runs and hides. That's probably because the men around the compound chase him away. Jack's war wounds are getting better and his hair is growing back. Most of the time I still can not get him to play because he is afraid of any sudden movements. Although today I spread peatmoss in the backyard and Jack thought this was his play area and litter box. There was a wind kite in my tree with four long strands of outside fabric and beads attached to it and Jack decided that he wanted to play with this thing. I moved it closer to the ground, so that he could reach it. He climbed into the tree and got it unhooked from the hook holding it up in the tree. I put it back on the hook and he kept playing with it and was trying to get it unhooked again, but no luck. He finally jumped out of the tree and played with it from the ground. It was good to witness him playing. Of course, there were no men around. Actually it was only me, so he was comfortable with that.

Craig is finished his classes for this semester. He will come to Doha for a week long visit this Sunday, and then he will go to Holland to celebrate New Year's with his friends. He will return to San Antonio January 6th. We look forward to showing him around Doha and taking him to Duhkan (The field where Jim goes to about once a week.) We are also going to take him to the souks.

Merry Christmas!

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