Thursday, August 25, 2011

Other interesting info

I was in a hurry to get the last post posted, and forgot to include a few other things.

Carolyn Bailey Berneking, Betty's oldest sister recently pass away at the age of 96. She was diagnosis with tongue cancer in May. They did surgery to remove the growth and thought that they go all of it, but it showed up later in her lymph node. They did surgery again, and thought that they got it all, but it started growing on her tongue again. She did try Chemo in the beginning, but it was just to painful. Carolyn was a good friend of mine. She was a real inspiration for me. She had a very rich life and was still driving just before she died. Also, she was still volunteering at the Kansas State University library.

Bud McKinney, Betty's youngest sister's husband passed away recently also. I remember meeting him for the first time not long after Jim & I were married. We visited them in Oregon. Uncle Bud made beautiful jewelry. He wanted to inspect my wedding ring, and then reported to Jim that it was a very nice ring. He had been suffering with mild heart attacks recently and it was just his time to go be with the Lord.

I am glad that Ramadan will be over soon. It is a pain not having anything to eat or drink in public during the day light hours. It makes restaurants very busy in the evenings. We did manage to buy enough wine to last through Ramadan. There is only one liquor store in Doha and it is closed during Ramadan.

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