Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Puppy

As some of you know, I have been looking for a small dog to adopt. I went to the Vets office the other day and they had a 3 month old puppy, which had been rescued. We adopted Sadie on March 1st. The vet thinks that she is half border collie with some Saluki. She is very sweet. She was a bit sick yesterday, so I took her back to the vet. He said her ears were a bit red, so he gave me some drops to put in her ears. What fun!

She follows me where ever I go. She is such a joy to have around.


  1. OMG PUPPY!!!! I demand more pictures.

  2. Yo - Babydoll is jealous! Not really, but she'd sure have fun if Sadie were to visit. Glad you're back home; Skype session is due....
