Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eid Al-Fitr

Eid Al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. It was nice driving around during Ramadan, as the traffic was almost non-existent, however not being able to eat or drink in public while it is still daylight was not fun. Not even in your own automobile. The temps during this time of year is 120F plus and 80% humidity in the shade. It tends to keep you at home or in a place where you can eat and drink. The only restaurants that are open are a few in the main Hotels and they are very expensive. Shops have unusual opening times. I had a doctor's appointment at 10:50 PM. However, they had an opening at 8 PM, so I took that one. Also, during Ramadan women have to have their knees and shoulders covered, and NO tight fitting clothing. Women have been arrested for violating these rules in past years, although I did not hear of any arrests this year.

The good thing about Eid is that we get a week off! Yeah! That's why we are on holiday in Phuket, Thailand.