The following was written by Jim
I am guilty of committing one of the internet crimes I dislike. I forwarded the previous eMail without confirming that the information presented as "facts" were indeed true.
A number of the items skate the thin edge of fact, depending on how they are interpreted.
Suffice to say that I am concerned that our government continues to feel that taxing those who are productive, to enable the unproductive to survive, is justifiable. I didn't learn that growing up in my house.
I'm concerned that I work hard, in places that do not fit the classic "Ozzie and Harriet" locale, in order to provide honestly earned money to feed and house my family and give them a quality education, and medical care. I do not do this to provide these benefits to others who refuse to put out the effort on their own. I resent a government that forces me to do so, or I will be deemed a criminal and the money taken from me by force and possibly put in jail.
About 60% of what I earn goes away in the form of income taxes, social security, Medicare, property tax, excise tax, sales tax, etc. Now, 40% of what I earn on investments will disappear as Capital Gains tax. 3% of the sales price of my house will fuel the new medical insurance system. In Russia, they call it "The death from a thousand cuts"
I recall a conversation we had with a bus driver while we were on vacation in the Bahamas. He was asked, "Do you have a welfare system here in the Bahamas?". He replied, "Yes, we have a very good one....if you do not work, you do not eat!"
The problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people's money.
When you vote in November, please vote for a candidate that rewards productivity and efficiency and pledges to reduce the size of the government and inefficiency..if you can find one. Lacking that, vote for anyone except for the incumbent, vote for someone with experience running a business, preferably a small businessman. Lacking that, vote for women. Lacking that, vote for an Independent. Lacking that, vote for a Republican. But vote. Otherwise the parasites living off of productive people will vote to continue to do so...and to do more of it.
Here is a reply from one of Jim’s cousins:
Loved your email about taxes.
My only addition is that socialism and welfare are also unbiblical. principles. God expects us to take care of each other - yes, but as individuals interacting with individuals. Individual to individual responsibility means that I have to make decisions about how or whether I will care for my neighbor. And feel guilty when I don't want to. And determine what is the best way to look out for those around me.
Equality of wealth is not a biblical principle either. God determines who has enough and who does not. And it is not the government's place to change that. What we have now is a government that believes it is God and that it can solves the world's problems. And that creates a society that expects our government to be God and behave like one.
The current worldview expects everything from its government and nothing from itself!
A philosophy professor I know wrote an amazing paper on this very issue. This email is a paraphase of his perspective - although I believe it wholeheartedly. I'll see if I still have the paper somewhere....
Margaret Eby
Please go out and VOTE in November!! That is the only way to let our Congressmen know what we want.