I felt sorry for this cat, as every morning when I walked outside she would be sitting under my truck and would exit and of course was a bit verbal. Meow...Meow.
I thought OK, she is pregnant and needs some good nutrition. I know that she came from the construction site, which is just over the exterior wall of the compound. She is not even a year old and already going to be a mama soon. So, I start feeding her and petting her everyday. She just really wants MY attention. She purrs at just the sight of me. She will follow me where ever I go. She walks just to the right side of me. She is so smart, no training involved! I put the dog kennel outside with some soft cloths in it, just in case her time comes to have these kittens. I have no idea how far along she is in this pregnancy. I want to completely gain her trust and trap her in the dog kennel. She is so young and foolish. She will go and sleep in the kennel during the day! I am astounded by this. So, finally I pick the night that I am going to trap her and of course, she is no where to be found. I start to worry that she has had the kittens in the construction site. I put on my usual flip-flops and that sound always brings her to me. She of course, shows up. I had Jim put her wet cat food in the very back of the kennel, so that she has to go all the way in to get the food. I close the cage and bring her in for the night. I don't want anyone letting her go, as this would be my only chance to get her to where she needs to go.
The next morning I take her to the Municipality. They take the cage out of my truck and have it just outside of the surgery room and the vet comes out to talk to me. This worker walks up (without asking any questions) and opens the cage! She darts away and hides under a hood of a car. I ask them "Now what are you going to do?" The doctor says, "No problem, Madam. We will catch her." I laugh and walk back inside and get the dog kennel. Moments later the guy walks across the parking lot holding her! I was shocked. He puts her back in the cage. We walk inside so that the Vet can draw a map with instructions to get to the "cat garden". I will include a photo of the map. It is such a typical map. I have plenty of them in my truck. You get a lot of directions like "it's close to the petrol station, which is close to TV roundabout and next to the Burger King that used to be there." And they think that is going to help me? The vet says that she will deliver her kittens in 1-2 weeks. So, I drive her across town to the Cat Garden and they take her inside a small room and try to get her into a smaller cage. They do this even after I explain what has already happen that morning. Needlessly to say, she runs into a corner under a cabinet. So, they are all standing around with their plastic gloves on, not quite knowing what to do. At this point, I am thinking that this is really kind of funny, but not really. They finally get her into a cage and give her some water. I explain to them that she is probably very hungry because she has not eaten since the night before, and it is now almost Noon. That happened about a week ago. I want to go back and see her after she has the kittens. I hope to have time tomorrow.
H.P. is Hyatt Plaza, which is a shopping center
T.S. is traffic signal
A. G. Khazan R/A is the AG Khazan Roundabout, which is the circle below it.
UT is U-turn
The two parallel lines are speed bumps, actually there are three, the third is where I am suppose to turn.
Just to the side of that it says "orange & white wall"
It gives the name and phone number of the person to contact in case that I can't find the place.
Once I drive into the gate there is a huge house and a beautifully landscaped garden. I think, OK this is the right place.....but where to I go from here? I go up to the front door of this mansion. There are many switches, but none are marked as "Bell". I knock at the door, no one answers. I get back in my truck and drive around the hose, and finally find a real person and she directs me. The rest of the story is above.
This is a real blessing for me to know about this place, because QAWS is completely full at this time and would not take a pregnant cat anyway. These people will be a safe place for her to have the kittens and for her to nurture them for 2 months, and then all of them will be neutered! After that time they will be taken to a "Cat & Dog" retirement village, which is enclosed, outside of Doha. It is a safe haven for street animals.